How to Negotiate a Higher Salary

How to Negotiate a Higher Salary

Whilst these conversations may be daunting, they are vital in advocating your worth, securing a fair salary and ultimately feeling satisfied in your job. Knowing how to navigate negotiations professionally is the key to justifying a pay rise and increasing your chances of success. Preparation and proof of your individual achievements are key. Present the…

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Non Salary Benefits You May Be Able To Negotiate

Non Salary Benefits You May Be Able To Negotiate

Are you about to have a salary review?  Have you just had a salary review and been disappointed?  Remember that salary is not the only reason people remain working with their employers.  There are other ways a company can demonstrate that they recognise your contribution, some of which have monetary value and some which do…

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How to Prepare Yourself for a Job Interview?

How to prepare yourself for a job interview?

I’ve worked in the recruitment industry for over 20 years across several Industries. In this time, I have learnt a lot from hiring managers in post-interview feedback as to what makes for a good meeting and what doesn’t. Some of the most common and detrimental mistakes candidates have made during an interview is dressing inappropriately,…

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How to highlight salary in a job interview?

How to highlight salary in a job interview banner image - business man steep incline salary

No matter how promising the opportunity, there’s no denying that salaries are a major factor when accepting a job offer. For many of us, being compensated fairly for our skills and experience impacts job satisfaction. While this is good news for jobseekers, it’s important to broach the salary conversation with your prospective employer at the…

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How to pick a fantastic referee

Traditional reference checking is still an important component of a recruitment process. Why are references conducted? Candidates during an interview process are naturally keen to present the best version of themselves to a potential employer. A reference provided by a third party helps to provide context and further insight. Just as you are likely to…

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