How to Qualify Your Next Opportunity


The last thing you want to do when changing organisations is to leave one for another and regret it. With this in mind, how do you ensure that your next move is the right one? It can be helpful to take a step back and consider why you have decided to explore your career options.…

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Why Now is a Good Time for Your Next Step


Why Now is a Good Time for Your Next Step With all that is going on, it is understandable why you may be hesitant to leave the security of your current employment to take the next step in your career. However, there are many fantastic companies out there that are in strong growth mode with…

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Helpful Career Progression Tips for Accountants

Accounting career progression

Everyone wants to advance in their careers, but how can you make the most of the opportunities offered to you by your current and prospective employers to realise your potential? There are times when ascending the corporate ladder is straightforward and the route is obvious but for most accountants, career journeys will include back steps…

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Auditing your Accounting Career


Accounting careers are a journey. There will be peaks and troughs throughout the lifespan of your career as it naturally evolves. However, most people tend to let their careers ‘just happen’ rather than taking control and working towards a specific set of goals or aspirations. By not taking control of the way your career is…

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Differences Between Firms When Seeking a New Accounting Job


When exploring your options, the three main differentials in accounting firms are: 1. Location 2. Size 3. The way they work I have dived into each of these three variables below to help you decide which are most important to you when searching for your new accounting job. Location: This is a rigid and crucial…

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