How to Get the Best From Your Recruiter


If you’ve never partnered with a recruiter before or haven’t had a fruitful experience in the past, below are a number of tips to help you get the best from your recruiter relationship. Finding a recruitment consultant who advocates for you and shares market insights will protect the trajectory of your career and increase your…

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How to Boost Your LinkedIn Profile

Face to face networking has taken a step back due to social distancing. Now is the best time to boost your individual online brand; and no better place to start than with your LinkedIn profile. When looking for a job now or in the future, LinkedIn is the ideal platform to be noticed, so get…

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Considering a Career Move During Uncertain Times


During the past four months I have spoken to many Accountants seeking advice on whether this is the right time to be on the job market. Obviously, there are lots of factors that you have to weigh up, but it is never a bad time to dip your toes into the water and to explore…

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What is a Goldilocks Cover Letter?


What is a Goldilocks cover letter? There are mixed messages about the value of incorporating a cover letter into a job application but we are strong advocates. Why? There are a number of reasons why we encourage candidates to include a highly tailored cover letter: 1. It shows you can be bothered to do so…

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Successful Year-end Reviews During COVID-19


What a financial year it has been! As well as the impact that coronavirus has had on Accounting firms, this time of year can create pressure due to heightened work-load and expectations, as well as the tight deadline of the End of Financial Year. As we reach June 30th, year-end appraisals and salary reviews are…

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