How to highlight salary in a job interview?

How to highlight salary in a job interview banner image - business man steep incline salary

No matter how promising the opportunity, there’s no denying that salaries are a major factor when accepting a job offer. For many of us, being compensated fairly for our skills and experience impacts job satisfaction. While this is good news for jobseekers, it’s important to broach the salary conversation with your prospective employer at the…

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How to pick a fantastic referee

Traditional reference checking is still an important component of a recruitment process. Why are references conducted? Candidates during an interview process are naturally keen to present the best version of themselves to a potential employer. A reference provided by a third party helps to provide context and further insight. Just as you are likely to…

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Withdrawing Candidates: Reasons Why & How to Mitigate Risk

A recent Gartner HR survey has highlighted substantial challenges in talent retention, revealing that within a 12-month period, 50% of candidates accepting job offers withdrew before their scheduled start dates. As we step into 2024, despite a slight easing in the scarcity of candidates, the competition for top talent remains intense, particularly within the accounting…

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How can you tell if an interview went well?


If you leave an interview and aren’t sure how well you did, take a look at these points below to determine whether or not you aced it. 1. The interview runs longer than planned The interview schedule is normally a tight fit with candidates slotted in between existing meetings and other commitments. If an interview…

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2024 Australian Accounting Trends all Leaders & Partners Should Understand


In the ever-evolving realm of finance and business, it is vital that Accounting leaders and Partners have their finger on the pulse. Whether you are a jobseeker and wanting to impress in an interview or an Accountant seeking that next job promotion, here are the 2024 Australian Accounting Trends that you should understand. Technological Evolution…

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