Accounting Firm Salary Report 2019

The Lawson Delaney 2019 Accounting Firm salary report provides salary and productivity data by job type, as well as key insights into the impact of productivity on profitability and our predictions for

We have spent the last 12 months conducting in-depth research and analysing data from owners of firms and Accounting professionals to create the most comprehensive Accounting firm report for small and medium sized firms in Melbourne.

"The last 12 months have been a year of consolidation and investment for the majority of accounting firms; this being the consequence of such a large volume of employee movement in 2017/18, putting most firms in a position where they currently have the highest salary costs ever for them.

With all accounting firms taking a very aggressive approach to recruitment strategies and communications, salary base packages and a few perks are no longer enough. Everything leads back to brand equity and your employer value proposition."
Darren Banfield, Executive Director, Lawson Delaney

Need more information?

If you need any additional information on our salary and productivity guide, please contact your Lawson Delaney consultant or our wider team on 03 9946 7300.